Results for 'Montserrat Herrero López'

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  1.  14
    HERRERO LÓPEZ, MONTSERRAT, El nomos y lo político: la filosofía política de Carl Schmitt, EUNSA, Pamplona, 1997.Héctor Ghiretti - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico:515-518.
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    LOCKE, JOHN, La razonabilidad del cristianismo, Estudio introductorio de Leopoldo José Prieto López. Traducción y anotación crítica de Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá y Leopoldo José Prieto López, Tecnos, Madrid, 2017, 235 pp. [REVIEW]Montserrat Herrero - 2017 - Anuario Filosófico:436-439.
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    Political Theologies Surrounding the Nietzschean “Death of God” Trope.Montserrat Herrero - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):125-149.
    Approaches to Nietzsche’s political philosophy abound. In this article, however, we explore the possibility of identifying not only a political philosophy, but also a political-theological reading in Nietzsche’s texts. In fact, such a political-theological reading already has something of a genealogy. In the 1960s, “radical theology” appropriated the Nietzschean topic of the death of God, which engendered a transferred radical political theology consisting in radical democracy. The first part of this article explores twentieth-century political theologies surrounding the death of God. (...)
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    Theopolitical Figures: Scripture, Prophecy, Oath, Charisma, Hospitality.Montserrat Herrero - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    Teología política y representación en el pensamiento de Carl Schmitt.Montserrat Herrero - 2017 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 29 (47).
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    Legitimidad política y participación.Montserrat Herrero - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (75-76):111-134.
    This article analizes the possibilities for a legitimation in contemporary democracies. Grounding in Weber's tipology in Economy and Society we analyze the models of rational, traditional and charismatic legitimacy as they appear in contamporary thinkers as J. Habermas, C. Schmitt and J. Derrida.
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  7. Frontera y racionalidad política.Montserrat Herrero & Miguel Saralegui - 2009 - Res Publica. Murcia 21.
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    Acclamations: a theological-political topic in the crossed dialogue between Erik Peterson, Ernst H. Kantorowicz and Carl Schmitt.Montserrat Herrero - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (7):1045-1057.
    The dual character of acclamations, religious and political, makes of acclamations a perfect place to explore theological-political transferences. Acclamations were central in ancient times in order to constitute a community and to show its acceptance, whether they took place in a republic while deciding in assemblies or during the accession of an emperor. The Christian-Church adopted this imperial ceremonial style with the introduction of imperial laudes into the Church and accommodated it to its own needs. Modern times recovered the magic (...)
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    Presentación.Montserrat Herrero - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico:9-16.
    This presentation analyzes in a general way the relationship between politics and conflict. The main argument is based on Carl Schmitt’s criterion for the definition of politics. In doing so, I introduce the central points of the different articles of this volume.
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    Ficciones políticas: el eco de Thomas Hobbles en el ocaso de la modernidad.Montserrat Herrero López - 2012 - Madrid: Katz Editores.
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    The political discourse of Carl Schmitt: a mystic of order.Montserrat Herrero López - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield International.
    This book presents the idea of Nomos of the Earth as the key idea that organizes the whole of Schmitt’s discourse about politics.
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    LÁZARO CANTERO, RAQUEL, La sociedad comercial de Adam Smith. Método, moral, religión, EUNSA, Pamplona, 2002.Montserrat Herrero - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico:521-522.
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    The Political Discourse of Carl Schmitt: A Mystic of Order.Montserrat Herrero - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book presents the idea of Nomos of the Earth as the key idea that organizes the whole of Schmitt’s discourse about politics.
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    The “Philosophical Bible” and the Secular State.Montserrat Herrero - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (1):31-48.
    Almost all scholars of the Enlightenment consider Hobbes, Spinoza, and Locke as the founding theorists of the “secular modern state.” In contrast to the widely held view of the modern state, I argue that far from being “secular” it was the product of the sacralization of politics, which resulted from the way these philosophers interpreted the Scriptures as part of their philosophical inquiries. The analysis of the “linguistic turn” in their biblical interpretations reveals how they tried to undermine the power (...)
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  15.  18
    Miguel Vatter. Divine Democracy. Oxford University Press, 2020. 312p.Montserrat Herrero - 2021 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 4 (1):156-158.
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  16.  39
    On Political Theology: The Hidden Dialogue between C. Schmitt and Ernst H. Kantorowicz in The King's Two Bodies.Montserrat Herrero - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (8):1164-1177.
    SUMMARYIn recent years, Ernst H. Kantorowicz's work The King's Two Bodies has been the object of both historical and philosophical research. Kantorowicz decided to subtitle his book ‘A Study in Medieval Political Theology’, but few scholars have actually recognised his work as research in ‘political theology’. The aim of this article, then, is to uncover the sense in which his book might be considered a work of ‘political theology’, especially in the sense coined by Carl Schmitt in 1922. Such a (...)
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  17.  22
    La larga espera de la conciencia Y las paradojas constitutivas de la existencia. Comentario a nicolás Grimaldi.Montserrat Herrero - 2012 - Giornale di Metafisica 1.
    Human conscience is intrinsically related to time, in the extent in which its essence is pure expectation. This is the main thesis of Grimaldi in his writing on the “Three sources of the relation: life, conscience, time”, a thesis which is developed in four steps: 1) There is no present without experience of antecedence; 2) There is no present without experience of expectation; 3) Time is, therefore, the scheme of life; 4) Conscience is witness of the metaphysical split. Some questions (...)
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  18.  23
    Power as Gift.Montserrat Herrero - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (1):55-70.
    The article addresses the question of whether Derrida in his political theology can be considered an “unfaithful” reader of Schmitt. While Derrida does not quote Schmitt’s Political Theology, some of his assertions are reminiscent of Schmitt’s disciplinary use of political theology. Indeed, Schmitt’s account of the relationship between exception, decision, and sovereignty was abundantly discussed in Derrida’s last seminar, The Beast and the Sovereign. Derrida attempts in this seminar to deconstruct the sovereignty of the nation-state and its onto-theologico-political foundation. The (...)
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  19.  15
    G.W.F. Hegel, contemporary readings: the presence of Hegel's philosophy in the current philosophical debates.Montserrat Herrero López (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Georg Olms.
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  20. Tiempo y utopía política.Montserrat Herrero - 2006 - In Rafael Alvira, Héctor Ghiretti & Montserrat Herrero López (eds.), La experiencia social del tiempo. Barañáin, Navarra: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. pp. 369--381.
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    La imagen de España a través del Quijote en la generación del 98.Montserrat Herrero - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico 31 (60):269-288.
    The paper deals with the critic of the interpretation of the relationship between the Quijote and the idea of Spain by the "Generation of 98".
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    Formas políticas de la cotidianidad.Montserrat Herrero - 2008 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 40:179-185.
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  23. Don Quijote, figura política.Montserrat Herrero - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 38:79-83.
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    Notes: Fifth International Iris Murdoch Conference: Iris Murdoch on the Margins.Montserrat Figuerola López - 2011 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 24:184.
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    GHIRETTI, H., La izquierda: usos, abusos, confusiones y precisiones, Ariel, Madrid, 2002.Montserrat Herrero - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico:512-514.
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    GRIMALDI, NICOLÁS, El trabajo. Comunión y excomunicación, EUNSA, Pamplona, 2000.Montserrat Herrero - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico:514-515.
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  27.  12
    Hugo Eduardo Herrera, Carl Schmitt als politischer Philosoph.Montserrat Herrero - 2013 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 120 (1):196-197.
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    (1 other version)Las metamorfosis de lo político.Montserrat Herrero - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (3):561-592.
    The article analyzes the main manners of conceptualizing the public realm in political thinking of the late 20th century. The four principal focus of thinking are: the igualitarian liberalism of Rawls; the theory of the communicative action of Habermas; the libertarian liberalism of Nozick and Narveson and the political perfectionism of Taylor, Sandel and Walzer.
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  29. Religion, sacred history and politics in Thomas Hobbes's leviathan.Montserrat Herrero - 2011 - Giornale di Metafisica 33 (1-2):227-248.
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  30.  38
    The state in the new international order.Chairperson Montserrat Herrero - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):369-374.
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    Towards Alzheimer's root cause: ECSIT as an integrating hub between oxidative stress, inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction.Montserrat Soler-López, Nahuai Badiola, Andreas Zanzoni & Patrick Aloy - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (7):532-541.
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    Laclau’s Revolutionary Political Theology.Montserrat Herrero - 2020 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 2 (2):9-25.
    One of the ways of thinking God in contemporary philosophy is reflecting on violence. In fact, reflecting on violence implies always at the same time to refer to the difficulty of thinking about the co-implication of law and violence, a typical prerogative of divine action. From this perspec-tive, political theology is concerned with the status and the possibilities or impossibilities of rep-resenting violence in a given political order. Three are the classical texts in the backdrop of this reflection on the (...)
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    KERVÉGAN, JEAN-FRANÇOIS, ¿Qué hacemos con Carl Schmitt?, Escolar y Mayo, Madrid, 2013, 230 pp. [REVIEW]Montserrat Herrero - 2015 - Anuario Filosófico:194-197.
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  34. Termes d'adresse et liste.Professeur Montserrat López Díaz - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192).
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    Termes d'adresse et liste.Montserrat López Díaz - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):49-64.
    Résumé Deux listes de termes d'adresse issues d'une publicité imprimée centrent notre propos. Il s'agit d'interroger leur “grammaire” en ceci que les listes possèdent une organisation morphologique, syntaxique, sémantique et pragmatique que l'on doit dégager, compte tenu également du contexte de la publicité. Les termes d'adresse désignent parallèlement la femme et l'homme selon une hiérarchie marquée par le parcours entre la formalité et la familiarité produisant une impression d'ordre chronologique. En effet, on commence par les appellatifs de la distance officielle (...)
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  36. Teacher-Rated Executive Functions, Gender and Relative Age: Independent and Interactive Effects on Observed Fundamental Motor Skills in Kindergarteners.Elena Escolano-Pérez, Carmen R. Sánchez-López & Maria Luisa Herrero-Nivela - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Fundamental motor skills of children can be affected by different variables, such as executive functions, gender and relative age. However, the effects of these variables on FMS have been scarce studied, especially in early childhood, and show inconsistent results. To clarify these relationships, this study was carried out. Its aim was to analyze whether EF, gender and relative age influenced FMS in 43 Spanish kindergarteners. A multimethod and mixed methods approach was used. Kindergarteners’ teachers completed the Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory (...)
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  37. Muller, Felipe. Nadie habla. Inteligencia artificial y muerte del hombre. EUNSA, Pamplona, 2024, 90 pp. [REVIEW]Montserrat Herrero - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:214-216.
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    Quand l’énonciation publicitaire construit de la connivence avec de l’humour.Annabelle Seoane & Montserrat López Díaz - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (251):215-238.
    Résumé Nous posons dans cet article que l’humour dans le discours publicitaire est un mécanisme privilégié de la communication multicanale et plurisémiotique pour transformer le discours marchand en pratique communicationnelle agissante. Dans son rapport à une normativité donnée comme potentiellement divergente, il est mobilisé dans le double objectif de construire un ethos décalé, identifiable et mémorisable pour le locuteur-annonceur, et de produire du plaisir intellectuel pour susciter la connivence du récepteur, qui devient ainsi co-énonciateur. Est alors interrogée la sémiosis de (...)
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    Editorial: Special issue CISIS 2016.Manuel Graña, José Manuel López-Guede, Álvaro Herrero, Héctor Quintián & Emilio Corchado - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2):135-136.
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    Measuring Infection Transmission in a Stochastic SIV Model with Infection Reintroduction and Imperfect Vaccine.M. Gamboa & M. J. Lopez-Herrero - 2020 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (4):395-420.
    An additional compartment of vaccinated individuals is considered in a SIS stochastic epidemic model with infection reintroduction. The quantification of the spread of the disease is modeled by a continuous time Markov chain. A well-known measure of the initial transmission potential is the basic reproduction number $$R_0$$, which determines the herd immunity threshold or the critical proportion of immune individuals required to stop the spread of a disease when a vaccine offers a complete protection. Due to repeated contacts between the (...)
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  41.  9
    La experiencia social del tiempo.Rafael Alvira, Héctor Ghiretti & Montserrat Herrero López (eds.) - 2006 - Barañáin, Navarra: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    What are the ethical conflicts faced by Mexican internists?Octavio Márquez Mendoza, José de Jesús Garduño García, Marcela Veytia López, Jorge Rodríguez García, Rosalía García Peña & Benjamin Herreros - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (4):409-414.
    Background No studies have been conducted in Mexico to ascertain what ethical problems doctors working at hospitals deal with. This article aims to describe the ethical conflicts most commonly identified by Mexican internists and the importance they attribute to each of these conflicts. Methods Voluntary survey to the members of the Internal Medicine Association of Mexico. Results Responses were submitted by 347 internists. Half of those face ethical conflicts almost always or frequently. The most commonplace and relevant conflicts are those (...)
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  43.  34
    López Molina, Antonio M.: Teoría postmetafísica Del conocimiento. Crítica de la filosofía de la conciencia desde la epistemología de Habermas. Madrid, 2012. [REVIEW]Laura Herrero Olivera - 2013 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 58:187-188.
    Presentación de la obra que realiza una exposición de las principales teorías del conocimiento y de interpretación de la subjetividad desde el inicio de la modernidad.
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    Montserrat Herrero, La Política Revolucionaria de John Locke, Madrid: Tecnos, 2015, 239 pp. ISBN: 978­‑84­‑309­‑6664­‑6. [REVIEW]António Horta Fernandes - 2017 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 26 (52):401-408.
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    Theopolitical Figures: Scripture, Prophecy, Oath, Charisma, Hospitality, by Montserrat Herrero.Almudena Molina Madrid - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (3):611-614.
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    SCHMITT, CARL Posiciones ante el derecho, Estudio preliminar, traducción y notas de Montserrat Herrero, Tecnos, Madrid, 2012, 315 pp. [REVIEW]Rafael Ramis Barceló - 2014 - Anuario Filosófico:232-235.
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    HERRERO, MONTSERRAT, La política revolucionaria de John Locke, Tecnos, Madrid, 239 pp.António Horta Fernandes - 2018 - Anuario Filosófico 51 (1):186-190.
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    HERRERO, MONTSERRAT Ficciones políticas. El eco de Thomas Hobbes en el ocaso de la Modernidad, Katz, Madrid-Buenos Aires, 2012, 187 pp. [REVIEW]Javier Franzé - 2014 - Anuario Filosófico:220-223.
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    Reseña de libro: Herrero, Montserrat. Theopolitical Figures. Scripture, Prophecy, Oath, Charisma, Hospitality. Edinburgh University Press, Edimburgo, 2023, 290 pp. [REVIEW]Felipe Muller - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:167-170.
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    Raúl Zibechi, Ruth López Herrero, Isabel Álvarez Vispo, Jose Miguel Martín Muñoz, Doni Arocas Tortajada, Noélia Bribián Giner, Manolo Sáez Bayona, Emiliano Tapia. Tiempos de colapso. Los pueblos en movimiento. Valencia-Málaga: Baladre-Zambra, 2020. [REVIEW]Mikel Martínez Ciriero - 2022 - Arbor 198 (803-804):a652.
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